Estimation Results

In this node are compared the weighted and unweighted LSQ deviation values between the projects under comparison, as selected in Projects node.
The deviations for projects and the comparison between them are numerically displayed for variables and sets being reconciled in all projects.
Thus, deviation for sets or variables that are reconciled in one but not in both projects are not considered for the comparison.

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Tabbed Views

By Variables

By Sets


By default all projects selected in Projects node are compared. When having several projects under comparison, you can filter them here.

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In this tab are shown the total LSQ deviations, adding over all sets and variables in common.
You should be aware that the comparison is done only over the sets and compounds that are reconciled in all projects selected in Projects node. Thus, if some compounds or sets are reconciled only in some projects but not in all, their deviations are not consolidated in this tab, nor in the others.
Columns Delta and Delta % shows the absolute and relative percentual difference on deviations, with respect to the basis project.

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By Variables

This tab is similar to the Total tab, except that the Deviations are specified for every compound that is reconciled in all projects. Deviations for PseudoCompounds, Derived Quantities or Pressure are also shown if they are reconciled in all projects.

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By Sets

This tabs is similar as the By Variables view, only that the deviations are shown for every experimental set that is included in all projects.

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See Also: